
Ceramic Export House Group has undeniably left international footprints all over the world with its impressive product range. Ceramic Export House group has a presence in all six of the habitable continents (North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia). Ceramic Export House’s export team is completely motivated to spread the magic of its products to the doorsteps of everyone around the globe. Our export team constantly keeps our product range fresh in the foreign markets. Right from manufacturing, packaging, transportation to delivering the products to the desired foreign location, we leave no stone unturned to ensure the best of our products reach every corner of the globe safely for absolute satisfaction.

In recent times, Ceramic Export House Group has also started utilizing its experience and technological prowess to provide other services to broaden its horizon of success. Ceramic Export House Group has ventured into private labeling for other brands, custom tile designing for end users and pallet packaging ideal for exports. You can contact for Export team to more about our exclusive services.

Export Regions

We have left international footprints all over the world as we have clientele coming from North America (Canada, Mexico & Jamaica), South America (Brazil, Argentina & Peru), Europe (Poland and Norway), Asia (China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Singapore), Africa (Nigeria, Kenya, Cape Verde & Tanzania) and Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Newcastle & Canberra)


Packing Details

Work Culture

The export team is completely motivated to spread the magic of Ceramic Export House products to the doorsteps of everyone around the globe. Our export team constantly keeps refreshing our product range in the foreign markets. Right from manufacturing, packaging, transportation to delivering the products to the desired foreign location, we leave no stone unturned to ensure the best of Ceramic Export House products reach every corner of the globe safely for absolute satisfaction.



In recent times, Ceramic Export House Group has also started utilizing its experience and technological prowess to work as private labelers for other ceramic tile brands. We are manufacturing superior quality tiles for the ceramic market for a number of renowned and upcoming brands.


Customized Designs: We also realize that every person has a unique taste in designs for their dream space. And for those special requirements, we also provide customized designs exclusively for our consumers.


Packaging: As per the varied requirements of our clients, we have started providing pallet packaging services. The packaging strictly adheres to the high demands of exports and ensures safe delivery of products to the end user.